Our philosophy of “social responsibility” is identified in the ethical conduct of business, materializing in insourcing in the investment to improve training at work, safety and health, in outosurcing by improving the quality of life, enhancing and developing the territory of the people who host us.

VipHouses Investments intends to develop in balance between business and social growth.

This balance is achieved through the implementation of projects both in Romania and in other countries aimed at ensuring the accommodation, maintenance, education and development of children and young people between 3 and 21 years of age to whom life has not reserved all the opportunities available to their peers, allocating to them, by contract, 3% of the profits resulting from the consolidated financial statements, net of taxes.

In this way we promote the development and education of new generations, spreading prosperity throughout the world.

For our ethics all investors can adhere to the allocation of a percentage of profits (established by them), fully embracing our corporate philosophy and, however, are aware that part of the profits of VipHouses Investments generated through their collaboration, is donated to charity.

This choice is dictated by the ethical and social imprinting with which VipHouses Investments intends to enter and prosper in the national and international market.


“Tomorrow they (the children) will be what we are today, they are what we were yesterday
….waiting for new dawns……of new generations….


“There is, for no community, a better investment than putting milk inside babies.” (Winston Churchill)

“The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, but that every child should be given the desire to learn. ” (John Lubbock)

“Educate the children and it will no longer be necessary to punish the men.” (Pythagoras)