The company’ s know-how is embodied in the formation and management of a team of professionals and consulting companies (commercial, economic, fiscal, financial and real estate), real estate and building requalification companies, strictly selected according to professional and ethical parameters, with a strong leadership, cohesive and integrated, which channel and focus their energies in sharing the company’s “Vision” and “Mission”.

If you believe you have personal characteristics such as “Team Management”, ability to use training, time and methods to achieve the objectives set, as well as strong aptitude for the ability to manage interpersonal relationships, send us your resume (preferably accompanied by photos, cover letter from other companies and updated criminal record) to the following link:

If you are an owner, director, partner or officer of a company such as those mentioned above, please send us a corporate presentation card or link to the institutional website.

Our staff will be happy to contact you for an interview (also at your office) for a possible development of collaboration.

In this regard, it should be noted that all collaboration relationships are contractual. The data provided will be managed and archived in accordance with the laws in force.

Our team is constantly expanding… asis our business.